Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

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  • @[email protected]
    23 days ago


    Actually kinda proud of my solution considering how hectic today has been! I actually didn’t spend too much time on this solution too :) Runs in ~0.5s.

    import { AdventOfCodeSolutionFunction } from "./solutions";
    import { MakeEmptyGenericArray } from "./utils/utils";
    const pretty_print = (disk: Array<number>) => disk.reduce<string>((prev, curr) => prev + (curr == -1 ? "." : curr), "");
    const checksum = (disk: Array<number>) => disk.reduce<number>((prev, curr, index) => prev + (curr == -1 ? 0 : curr * index), 0);
    const findSlice = (disk: Array<number>, id: number, startFrom?: number) => {
        const sectionStart = disk.indexOf(id, startFrom);
        if (sectionStart == -1)
            return [-1, -1];
        let sectionEnd = sectionStart;
        while (disk.length > ++sectionEnd && disk[sectionEnd] == id);
        return [sectionStart, sectionEnd];
    export const solution_9: AdventOfCodeSolutionFunction = (input) => {
        let isFile = false;
        let id = 0;
        // make the disk
        const disk = input.split("").flatMap((v) => {
            isFile = !isFile;
            const count = Number(v);
            if (isFile) {
                return MakeEmptyGenericArray(count, () => id - 1);
            return MakeEmptyGenericArray(count, () => -1);
        // make a copy of the disk
        const fragmentedDisk = [...disk];
        // start moving elements on the disk
        let start = 0
        let end = fragmentedDisk.length - 1;
        while (start < end) {
            if (fragmentedDisk[start] != -1) {
            if (fragmentedDisk[end] == -1) {
            // swap the values
            fragmentedDisk[start] = fragmentedDisk[end]
            fragmentedDisk[end] = -1;
        main: while (id-- > 0) {
            // find the section that has the file
            const [sectionStart, sectionEnd] = findSlice(disk, id); // this will never return -1
            const sectionLength = sectionEnd - sectionStart;
            // find any section that can fit the file
            let freeStart;
            let freeEnd = 0;
            do {
                [freeStart, freeEnd] = findSlice(disk, -1, freeEnd);
                // can't find any free spaces or too far right
                if (freeStart == -1 || freeStart > sectionStart)
                    continue main;
            } while (freeEnd - freeStart < sectionLength);
            // switch places
            let i = 0;
            while(sectionStart + i < sectionEnd) {
                disk[freeStart + i] = id;
                disk[sectionStart + i++] = -1;
        // calculate the checksums
        return {
            part_1: checksum(fragmentedDisk),
            part_2: checksum(disk),