Day 9: Disk Fragmenter
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No lists were harmed in the making of this code.
import kotlin.text.flatMapIndexed fun main() { fun part1(input: List<String>): Long { val disk = parseInputDay09(input) return disk.compactFragmented().checksum() } fun part2(input: List<String>): Long { val disk = parseInputDay09(input) return disk.blockify().compactContiguous().checksum() } val testInput = readInput("Day09_test") check(part1(testInput) == 1928L) check(part2(testInput) == 2858L) val input = readInput("Day09") part1(input).println() part2(input).println() } fun parseInputDay09(input: List<String>): DiscretizedDisk { var id = 0 return input[0].flatMapIndexed { index, char -> val size = "$char".toInt() if (index % 2 == 0) List(size) { DiskBlockElement(id) } else (List(size) { DiskBlockElement(-1) }).also { id++ } } } data class DiskBlockElement(val id: Int) // -1 id is empty data class DiskBlock(val id: Int, val indexRange: IntRange) typealias Disk = List<DiskBlock> typealias DiscretizedDisk = List<DiskBlockElement> fun DiscretizedDisk.compactFragmented(): DiscretizedDisk { val freeSpace = count { < 0 } val onlyFiles = reversed().filter { >= 0 } var indexIntoOnlyFiles = 0 val discretizedCompacted = map { if ( < 0) onlyFiles[indexIntoOnlyFiles++] else it }.dropLast(freeSpace) + List(freeSpace) { DiskBlockElement(-1) } return discretizedCompacted } fun Disk.compactContiguous(): DiscretizedDisk { var (onlyFiles, spaaaaace) = (this.partition { >= 0 }) onlyFiles = onlyFiles.reversed() val emptySpacesCreatedIndexes = mutableListOf<List<Int>>() var spaceRemaining = spaaaaace.first().indexRange.size() val emptyBlockReplacements = { emptyBlock -> buildList { spaceRemaining = emptyBlock.indexRange.size() while (spaceRemaining > 0) { val fittingBlockIndex = onlyFiles.indexOfFirst { it.indexRange.size() <= spaceRemaining } if (fittingBlockIndex == -1) { add(DiskBlock(-1, (emptyBlock.indexRange.last() - spaceRemaining + 1)..emptyBlock.indexRange.last())) break } val fittingBlock = onlyFiles[fittingBlockIndex] if (fittingBlock.indexRange.first <= emptyBlock.indexRange.last) { add(DiskBlock(-1, (emptyBlock.indexRange.last() - spaceRemaining + 1)..emptyBlock.indexRange.last())) break } val newDiscretizedIndex = with(emptyBlock.indexRange.last() - spaceRemaining + 1) { this until (this + fittingBlock.indexRange.size()) } add(fittingBlock.copy(indexRange = newDiscretizedIndex)) spaceRemaining -= fittingBlock.indexRange.size() onlyFiles = onlyFiles.withoutElementAt(fittingBlockIndex) emptySpacesCreatedIndexes.add(fittingBlock.indexRange.toList()) } } } val replaceWithEmpty = emptySpacesCreatedIndexes.flatten() var replacementIndex = 0 return flatMap { if ( >= 0) listOf(it) else emptyBlockReplacements[replacementIndex++] }.discretize().mapIndexed { index, blockElement -> if (index in replaceWithEmpty) DiskBlockElement(-1) else blockElement } } fun DiscretizedDisk.blockify(): Disk = buildList { var blockID = this@blockify.first().id var blockStartIndex = 0 this@blockify.forEachIndexed { index, blockElement -> if ( != blockID) { add(DiskBlock(blockID, blockStartIndex until index)) blockStartIndex = index blockID = } else if (index == this@blockify.lastIndex) add(DiskBlock(, blockStartIndex.. this@blockify.lastIndex)) } } fun Disk.discretize(): DiscretizedDisk = flatMap { block -> List(block.indexRange.size()) { DiskBlockElement( } } fun DiscretizedDisk.checksum(): Long = foldIndexed(0) { index, acc, blockElement -> if ( >= 0) acc + index * else acc }