Can’t access it from his profile, interesting.

As for the suggestion that Thompson’s murder should be an occasion to discuss America’s supposed rage at private health insurers, it’s worth pointing out that a 2023 survey from the nonpartisan health policy research institute KFF found that 81 percent of insured adults gave their health insurance plans a rating of “excellent” or “good.” Even a majority of those who say their health is “fair” or “poor” still broadly like their health insurance. No industry is perfect — nor is any health care model — and insurance companies make terrible calls all the time in the interest of cost savings. But the idea that those companies represent a unique evil in American life is divorced from the experience of most of their customers.

  • @givesomefucks
    212 months ago

    As for the killer, John Fetterman had the choicest words: He’s “going to die in prison,” the peerless Pennsylvania senator told HuffPost. “Congratulations if you want to celebrate that.”

    Daily reminder that just because someone has a D by their name doesn’t mean they’re on the right side. Even if they wear hoodies.

    “Blue no matter who” just winds up with corrupt assholes who will take bribes from anyone and actively work against the wishes of their constituents. You can’t claim to be better/smarter than republican voters and vote like that.

    Their mere existence is used as a reason to not bring progressive legislation up for a vote even when the party has the numbers. Which depresses turnout nationwide.

    • @idiomaddict
      72 months ago

      To be fair, Fetterman literally had a stroke and his personality changed with it. It could be that this was the true him he was covering up this whole time, but it wasn’t at all the image he was displaying for voters.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        We all have intrusive thoughts about doing the opposite of what we believe, but most of us control and reject those thoughts. Brain damage can give control to the intrusive thoughts.

    • @Soup
      -22 months ago

      What’s the context for that? A lot of John Fetterman’s deal is looking out for young kids and is probably genuinely worried about him, and a could be directing his ire towards people who want him to die in prison which is fucked up.

      Without further context it just seems weird to take those words as you have.