Day 13: Claw Contraption
Megathread guidelines
- Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
- You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL
- What is this?: Here is a post with a large amount of details:
- Where do I participate?:
- Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:
public partial class Day13 : Solver { private record struct Button(int X, int Y); private record struct Machine(int X, int Y, Button A, Button B); private List<Machine> machines = []; [GeneratedRegex(@"^Button (A|B): X\+(\d+), Y\+(\d+)$")] private static partial Regex ButtonSpec(); [GeneratedRegex(@"^Prize: X=(\d+), Y=(\d+)$")] private static partial Regex PrizeSpec(); public void Presolve(string input) { var machine_specs = input.Trim().Split("\n\n").ToList(); foreach (var spec in machine_specs) { var lines = spec.Split("\n").ToList(); if (ButtonSpec().Match(lines[0]) is not { Success: true } button_a_match || ButtonSpec().Match(lines[1]) is not { Success: true } button_b_match || PrizeSpec().Match(lines[2]) is not { Success:true} prize_match) { throw new InvalidDataException($"parse error: ${lines}"); } machines.Add(new Machine( int.Parse(prize_match.Groups[1].Value), int.Parse(prize_match.Groups[2].Value), new Button(int.Parse(button_a_match.Groups[2].Value), int.Parse(button_a_match.Groups[3].Value)), new Button(int.Parse(button_b_match.Groups[2].Value), int.Parse(button_b_match.Groups[3].Value)) )); } } private string Solve(bool unit_conversion) { BigInteger total_cost = 0; foreach (var machine in machines) { long prize_x = machine.X + (unit_conversion ? 10000000000000 : 0); long prize_y = machine.Y + (unit_conversion ? 10000000000000 : 0); BigInteger det = machine.A.X * machine.B.Y - machine.B.X * machine.A.Y; if (det == 0) continue; BigInteger det_a = prize_x * machine.B.Y - machine.B.X * prize_y; BigInteger det_b = prize_y * machine.A.X - machine.A.Y * prize_x; var (a, a_rem) = BigInteger.DivRem(det_a, det); var (b, b_rem) = BigInteger.DivRem(det_b, det); if (a_rem != 0 || b_rem != 0) continue; total_cost += a * 3 + b; } return total_cost.ToString(); } public string SolveFirst() => Solve(false); public string SolveSecond() => Solve(true); }