Eurasian Eagle did well against the Blakiston’s Fish Owl in a bit of an upset if we looked at how these 2 fared last time. Though not as related as once thought, the EEO is still one of the biggest, toughest owls left in the game.

The Flammulated fans from last year don’t seem as impassioned this time around. It beat Dusky, but by a slim margin of 2 votes. They’re going to need to show up today if they want Flammy’s name emblazoned on the prize this year.

The Eagle Owl is a manifestation of power. It’s bold, rugged, and intimidating. If the Snowy continues its surge in the voting, the Eagle could be one that could stop it. It’s got a lot of like characteristics, and could steal enough votes to get to the finals.

Flammulated is quite another story. It’s small. It’s brightly patterned, but still feels restrained, and it’s not going to intimidate anyone much larger than its dinner. But this little one speaks to something ancient and primordial. It looks as old as the trees themselves. It captures the mystery of the woods.

Are you feeling big, brash, and confident, or does a more quiet and restrained persona capture your sense of what a top owl should be? Upvote the one you like below!

#superbowl #owloftheyear2024

  • anon6789OP
    653 months ago

    Eurasian Eagle Owl

    • SendPicsofSandwiches
      133 months ago

      I was leaning Flammulated but the luxurious trousers in the second picture sold me on the Eurasian

        • anon6789OP
          33 months ago

          Orange eyes are always worth bonus points from me as well.

      • @Soup
        53 months ago

        Flammulated beats it handily on colours but I too came here to talk about that style I mean goddamn those pants are killing it. Also the eyes are nicer.

        • anon6789OP
          33 months ago

          I debated that pic for a bit, because I didn’t want to make it look goofy, but it also looked so fabulous and proud of itself.

          Looks like I made the correct choice, as this seems a very popular pic from all the positive comments.

      • anon6789OP
        43 months ago

        It’s hard to argue with puffy owl pants.