Well, as poor as the choices might seem, last time Trump was in power he spent every day not on the golf course trying to sabotage the ACA. It wasn’t exactly a zero sum choice at the ballot box.
I understand that the democrats are the better choice. But I’m not going to pretend they’re a good or intelligent choice by any stretch of the imagination.
Of course you are right. But voting for a guy working against your interest, or not voting at all and allowing the steamroller to lay you out make even less sense.
Right? Its something i’ve never understood about the americans not wanting to vote for democrats because of a stick up their ass, so instead they stay home, dont make any effort for actual change, expect it to come to them and then act all hot and bothered when the worst possible outcome occurs.
Neither party was offering single payer. American voters are stupid as fuck but I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make here.
Well, as poor as the choices might seem, last time Trump was in power he spent every day not on the golf course trying to sabotage the ACA. It wasn’t exactly a zero sum choice at the ballot box.
I understand that the democrats are the better choice. But I’m not going to pretend they’re a good or intelligent choice by any stretch of the imagination.
Of course you are right. But voting for a guy working against your interest, or not voting at all and allowing the steamroller to lay you out make even less sense.
Right? Its something i’ve never understood about the americans not wanting to vote for democrats because of a stick up their ass, so instead they stay home, dont make any effort for actual change, expect it to come to them and then act all hot and bothered when the worst possible outcome occurs.