How do you shred a tyre on a mobility scooter?

  • @givesomefucks
    83 months ago

    Could also be chronic under inflation.

    That piece doesn’t look substantial enough to hang on that long and scrape that much off a tire. Like, if it was hanging down enough to rub, nothing would be holding it on.

    But a lot of weight on a flat tire for a long time would make it wear on the edges instead of middle where it’s strongest

    • @sc2pirate
      33 months ago

      That is a really good point, looking back at the original image it looks like it might be shredded on both sides of the wheel which would support your theory.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        I’d also wager the under inflated tire thrashing against the trim helped rip the trim off.

        Someone took a bad bump