Democrats have, again, learned nothing

  • FuglyDuck
    32 months ago


    There absolutely are bots that respond to key words.

    But sometimes they just flag you as a live phone number.

    • Ben Hur Horse Race
      32 months ago

      and you have seen this or worked with them? I have, and on our system it was 100% manual, no bots.

      Im not saying it doesnt exist, but have you seen this yourself or are you presuming it

      • FuglyDuck
        32 months ago

        Yes. I’ve evaluated some of the bots for work, we didn’t use them, but that was more because it wasn’t quite what we wanted. (validating employees are at assigned- but frequently distributed- locations and responding to calls/messages.)

        you’re acting like this is shocking. It’s not. This is pretty oldschool, actually. Like the ability to bot out actions based on keywords in replies predates smartphones.

        • Ben Hur Horse Race
          12 months ago

          im not sure where you got that im acting like it’s shocking… I actually always presumed that the STOP messages would trigger a process that would remove your number from a list automatically like you said.

          my post was how I was surprised that when I had volunteered in text banks for both the biden and harris campaigns, we’d receive STOP (quite often more colorful versions of that) and we’d manually remove them, or just hide the conversation without removing them depending on a few things.

          we were there to respond to people who responded though. the initial message would say something about how we would like to know if we can count on your vote, and people would write back asking about polling places or getting a lift to the polls as a disabled person, or did we know that the candidate was involved in ritual infanticide, etc.

          • @Pieisawesome
            12 months ago

            Well, was the candidate invoked in ritual infanticide?
