Wait-a-minute Wednesday: To draw attention towards a situation or decision which bares further scrutiny.
For example: the crew of the Defiant not stopping Captain Sisko from committing acts of terrorism in order to prevent other atrocities being carried out by the Maquis.
So let’s dig up the decidedly bone-head commands made by any characters throughout the Continuum, aside from the tried and true Tuvixian methodology. Or do, just provided there’s a fresh/skewed take to be had.
What difference does that make?
All the difference. We’re talking about the values of a people who knew they were dying. You called them idiots for wanting to be remembered by a person who actually cared about them. I think if you ask most people they’d rather be remembered by their loved ones than have their life recorded as a bunch of artifacts in a museum.
According to their values, their probe succeeded wildly in a way that nearly all other extinct cultures failed. The only other ones to come close were those aliens that hid their own humanoid DNA in the genetics of all the major civilizations. Even then, those aliens didn’t succeed at getting anyone to care about them the way Picard cared about the Resikans.
TLDR: no one cares about a bunch of crap people leave behind when they die. Go to an estate sale and see.
Edit: if you have a few hours to kill, watch this video. Then come back and continue the discussion.
I’m calling them idiots because they won’t end up being remembered. Because Picard is not immortal.
They wanted one person to remember them. All the other extinct cultures had none!
Anyway, suppose they had made the probe infinitely reusable as long as you hooked it up to a power source. Then it would’ve turned into a Disney ride, totally cheapening the experience. Do you see what I’m getting at?