In a surprising turn of events, a well-known flat-earther conceded that his long-held conspiracy theory was incorrect after embarking on a 9,000-mile journey to Antarctica.

YouTuber Jeran Campanella traveled to the southernmost continent to witness a 24-hour sun - a phenomenon that would be impossible if the Earth were flat.

“I realize that I’ll be called a shill for just saying that and you know what, if you’re a shill for being honest so be it - I honestly believed there was no 24-hour sun… I honestly now believe there is. That’s it,” added Campanella.

Campanella still didn’t fully embrace the globe Earth model: “I won’t say the Earth is a perfect sphere,” then said, after first admitting he was wrong.

The expedition was part of the Final Experiment project, organized by Colorado pastor Will Duffy, who “hopes to end the debate over the shape of the Earth.”

The expedition was part of the Final Experiment project, organized by Colorado pastor Will Duffy, who “hopes to end the debate over the shape of the Earth.”

He arranged an expedition in which four flat Earthers and four “globe Earthers” were flown to Antarctica to witness the continent’s midnight Sun. Antarctica’s Midnight Sun is one of many proofs that the Earth is spherical. It can only occur on a tilted and rotating sphere, and the axial tilt during summer positions the South Pole to face the Sun continuously for 24 hours.

Flat Earthers often claim that the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 prevents civilians from visiting the southernmost continent in an attempt to hide the true shape of planet Earth. However, Pastor Duffy wanted to demonstrate that this wasn’t the case.

“I created The Final Experiment to end this debate, once and for all. After we go to Antarctica, no one has to waste any more time debating the shape of the Earth,” Duffy declared in a statement. “This is, of course, assuming that the entire “experiment” isn’t just an elaborate prank designed to fool us ‘globe Earthers.’ It seems highly unlikely, but we’ll keep you posted if anything changes – not that we’re trying to sound conspiratorial or paranoid.”

  • @Nastybutler
    3 months ago

    How about “Is the earth round?” It’s an objective fact, not a question about beliefs.

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        is the earth round can be construed the same way as, “is Jesus real?”.

        No it can’t. One is a proven fact with huge testable evidence. The other is a faith with no testable evidence.

        Also one is not a religion and not in anyway protected by law.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          As far as I read their comment, @[email protected] did not intend to compare science and religion, but to discuss interview techniques, using geography and religion as examples.

          “Is the earth round?” and “Is Jesus real?” are both closed questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”.

          “What is the shape of the earth?” and “Who is Jesus?” are both open questions that call for a statement.

          I don’t get their argumentation, why open questions are preferable to closed ones because of the first amandement, but agree nonetheless. Closed questions cut off the interviewee and are a very bad interview technique.

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            People including me are responding to.

            can’t ask people about their personal beliefs directly.

            Can’t vs should not is where this differs.

            And when that is followed with comparison between facts and belief indicating they are the same. Then folks are correctly calling bullshit.

            In the US and most of Europe, asking is Jesus real or who is Jesus is a crime.

            Asking is the world spherical is not only legal. It is entirely moral. How effective it is was not expressed in the original comment. Just the suggestion, you cannot ask about geological knowledge.

      • @frostysauce
        13 months ago

        is the earth round can be construed the same way as, “is Jesus real?”

        Not legally in the US. And not… factually anywhere.