Lucky for me my parents were both “I didn’t save anything for retirement, my kids will take care of me when I’m older”, so I don’t have to suffer through this.

  • @headset
    02 months ago

    Ahh yes, the genereation widely know for being obnoxiously entitled, making obnoxiously entitled memes.

    • @agent_nycto
      42 months ago

      Which generation and memes do you refer to?

      • @headset
        02 months ago

        Apparently said generation is also stupid.

        • @agent_nycto
          12 months ago

          Oh, I see, you misunderstood here. I was doing this old school traditional thing called “social graces”, which evidently you’re unaware of. It’s so people can save face, among other things. I was using a tactical social maneuver called “giving you the benefit of the doubt” and “giving you an out”, so that you could make yourself look like less the fool.

          Since you’re clearly uneducated on social graces, you failed to “read the room” and what you posted could be interpreted as insulting most of the people commenting, but was vague enough to be about other people.

          So I gave you the opportunity to explain yourself in a polite way, and now you’ve thrown it back into my face with an insult.

          I had no idea I was talking to the societal equivalent of an angsty slug, but that’s what the benefit of the doubt is for.

          You sad, lonely thing you.