Greetings all!

There are a few YouTube channels I watch on a regular basis that I’d put in the science/math bin. Here are a few examples:

NileRed Standup Maths Steve Mould AlphaPhoenix

I was wondering if anyone here had any recommendations for other science/math channels to follow or a resource that aggregates good channels. As a lay person, as in no college level education on these topics, I’m not sure I have the qualifications to determine if a channel is highly accurate or not. I think I’ve done a good job finding channels that are accurate but wanted to check in with folks that may be able to better determine that.

I’m particularly interested in astronomy, cosmology, and evolution.

  • @MTK
    73 months ago

    Professor dave explains: science education + science deniers debunk videos.

    Chubbyemo: medical cases breakdown primarily focusing on biology.

    Technology connections: deep dive into everyday electrical appliances, not exactly science but well researched and sometimes he goes into a sciency part.

    Electroboom: electrical engineering with some humor.

    Steve mould: scientific deep dive into random questions and phenomenons.

    Codyslab: mostly homebrew chemistry but also otger things.

    Tierzoo: fun animal world education.

    Applied science: science projects and deep explanations.

    The thought emporium: mostly biology but also other stuff, some really crazy biology projects (running doom on rat neurons…)