Making a contract with a person to do a job A and forcing him to do A+B without compensation is exploitation and breach of contract. Making a person do A+B without compensation, making him think it’s his idea and making him feel good and accomplished is a brilliant piece of managership.
minimum wage keeps people “hungry” and working for more, something better all their lives. same way you train dogs, start with kibble as treats, so they’re always looking for higher value treats as “rewards”, easier to train and control.
my dog gets duck wrapped sweet potatoes, much harder to train this way, but I feel good giving her better treats. and she loves them
Making a contract with a person to do a job A and forcing him to do A+B without compensation is exploitation and breach of contract. Making a person do A+B without compensation, making him think it’s his idea and making him feel good and accomplished is a brilliant piece of managership.
i thought that’s gaslighting?
“If you work hard and always give 110%, you might some be a big successful manager with a huge income.”
No, its dangling a carrot.
minimum wage keeps people “hungry” and working for more, something better all their lives. same way you train dogs, start with kibble as treats, so they’re always looking for higher value treats as “rewards”, easier to train and control.
my dog gets duck wrapped sweet potatoes, much harder to train this way, but I feel good giving her better treats. and she loves them