pharmacists solely being distributors of pre-ordained medication has no detrimental effects on humans. 🫠 the US is great to its people, and has very good healthcare practices!! (livestream is on the 27th and i am excite, but not involved at all)

stream link for those interested:

EDIT: my lack of capitalization and poor word choice has confused people. this event is about making legal, tested for efficacy medication only. pharmacists are good. doctors are good. the cost of medication and other hurdles that prevent people from having access to medication are not.

EDIT 2: i looked into the 4 Theives Vinegar Collective (breifly, just on wikipedia) and i did not realize that they made the EpiPencil, which is an open-source device that injects a mesured dose of epinephrine (a medication that can be bought from a trusted and legal distributor). that’s awesome stuff, but it’s less awesome that they now want to share chemistry knowlege that they don’t necissarily have a full understanding of, and push automated synthesis for people who also don’t have the foundational knowledge to ensure safety. not really great. i guess that’s what happens when healthcare is entirely for-profit, and inaccessable to so many people.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    I think the problem in this case isn’t the regulation, but that the regulation’s being managed by knobheads

    this is definitely a take. have you ever heard of GMP? these rules were written in blood

    • @latenightnoir
      23 months ago

      If you’re referring to Good Manufacturing Practice, yes, although I didn’t dive too much into it. And based on what I know of it, I’m not sure I get your point.

      If it’s not that, then I’m completely in the weeds on this.

        • @latenightnoir
          23 months ago

          Oh, agreed! I was referring more to the concept of regulation as a generic denominator, I completely agree that we’ll need to establish and maintain far better regulations and standards than we have so far!

          That’s why I see this as a “knobheads being in charge” problem, they pretty much dictate everything related to regulations. In my view, replacing them with people who actually have the interest of the people at heart would cut straight at the root of the problem.

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            the regulations you’re looking for is single payer nationalized healthare and has nothing to do with whatever compliance crimes they’re doing. GMP is fine as it is