• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    This sounds like a highly unusual situation for someone with an EV. Given the circumstances I’d also be switching back or at least renting a car depending on the frequency of that trip. I’ve personally never had range anxiety but I understand it can still depend a lot on the specifics of your vehicle and where you live.

    • @Serinus
      112 months ago

      Sounds like someone either exaggerating or making shit up whole cloth.

      A 4.5 hour trip does not take 3.5 hours of charging. Any EV that I know of could do that with one stop each direction.

    • socsa
      82 months ago

      It’s either a lie or she has a leaf, which is not a long range EV. Every long range EV can do 250km in a charge, even in winter. No ev, not even the leaf, would require 4 extra hours of charging to do it.

        • Noxy
          12 months ago

          Great car! I had a 2017 model year i3. Absolutely loved it. But yeah, the 50kw max DC charging sucks, and that long of a drive could really suck if there aren’t compatible DC chargers along the route.

          What model year is hers? And I’m guessing it doesn’t have the range extender?

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago


            REX would have made the whole thing a non issue but it decided to stop working on the way to her destination so now she doesn’t have the range to make it back. She got lucky it restarted the first time it died on her otherwise she wouldn’t have made it at all.

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              Ah, so the gas engine part of the hybrid drivetrain broke. Yeah that would do it. More proof that hybrids are the worst of both worlds.

              • @[email protected]
                01 month ago

                At the same time if she had the non hybrid version she wouldn’t have left home at all because there was no way she could have made it at all (hence her having to put the car on a trailer to bring it back)

    • @[email protected]
      72 months ago

      I don’t think it’s that unusual when you live in places where there’s actual winters…

      She used to own a Leaf and would rent a gas car for the trip but in the end she would end up spending more than she saved on gas by owning an EV (renting a car gets expensive when driving long distances!)

      Maybe this trip will be the one where she realizes she needs an EV with way more range (which she can’t afford because they’re fucking expensive)…

      • @qed123
        -12 months ago


          • @qed123
            01 month ago


            18 people have asked, its a reasonable question. its relevant, pertinent, and why the fuck did you share such a shitty story if you dont feel like making up something as mundane and insignificant as type of car. Theres only 85,000 models of car on market. You got what u wanted, atention. I apologize for wondering about what would probably be an extrehely simple matter for you to include such commonly requested information in either your iffy story, or as followup. To answer your question, why the fuck you wanna know? I didn’t ask if you felt like sharing, lol. I asked for information, not your contrived “reaction” to my simple request for information. I guess in hindsight I was hoping you would reply all snarkey and sassy, leaving me in dark. Again, I apologize gor being interested in upur story and hoping you had sincere information to offer. Are dick pics a reaction? can I see your reaction, my esteemed story telling guy?


            its all good

            i still like your story

            your cool

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              18? 🤔 Where do you see 18 people asking for that?

              Just learn to ask questions in a way that doesn’t make you look like an asshole and maybe you’ll get better results… Just like the other people that asked and that I replied to.