• Captain Aggravated
    371 month ago

    I absolutely condone violence, and while I shall only attempt to harm Elon Musk by not purchasing any of his companies’ products, if I were to read on one of Lemmy’s news communities that someone had, let’s say, shotgunned all of Elon’s entrails out, I’m pretty sure I would respond by laughing myself into a state of acute respiratory distress.

    • @Yawweee877h444
      171 month ago

      Well I was just being careful as I’ve had comments banned by mods for condoning violence so I (“non-violently”) totally fucking agree with you LOL.

      • Captain Aggravated
        71 month ago
        1. I’ve gotten away with a little bit of shit given my exaggerated “Yarr fuck ye face matey” comedy persona. My handle is Captain_Aggravated, after all.

        2. While it might be a little more 80’s action movie vivid, I think the sentiment I expressed isn’t much more than “I’ve never killed anyone but I’ve read some obituaries with great amusement” or however it was phrased commonly attributed to Mark Twain, and

        3. Someone used a pistol, rifle or one of these fucking things in the preparation of most of the meals I’ve ever eaten. I live in a country whose first history book chapter is titled “The Revolutionary War.” Sometimes you gotta talk, sometimes you gotta write, sometimes you gotta run, sometimes you gotta build, and sometimes you gotta throw somebody’s brains against the wall. Welcome to the biosphere. Violence is a fact of life. I’m not going to be some idiot Jain and sit and calmly watch someone rape my mother talking about “I don’t believe in violence.” Who among us is stupid enough to pretend any of us are actually like that? “Don’t condone violence” fuck your trachea.

    • @BassTurd
      51 month ago

      I’d take a day of PTO to celebrate.