Missing from this pile of opinions is anything resembling:
“I hate Wikipedia” — Elon Musk
I don’t think conservatives donated anyways.
Some people hate that reality doesn’t confirm their prejudices and biases
Elon isn’t exactly what I would call a mentor anyway
Canceled discord nitro, setup monthly donations to Wikipedia
Put Elon Musk at the bottom of the ocean, the little bug eyed pervert freak
Fuck this guy honestly.
I’d never given to Wikimedia before.
Now I have.
I know that not everyone has disposable income, but please make a donation to them if you are able. They’re the best thing remaining on the internet.
Anyone with a cable subscription has enough to toss a couple of bucks a month to wikipedia.
Lol imagine donating to google.
Download Wikipedia. It doesn’t take much storage space without pictures. Then when it gets taken down, sued, hacked, edited with misinformation etc you still have it. I was thinking this months ago and this now confirms their plans.
wp:Wikipedia:Database download
rw:RationalWiki:Content dumps because of things like this: rw:Elon Musk
Fuck Elon, Wikipedia is one of the only good things left on the internet
Immediately donated after I saw this lol
There is nothing a guy in a coma hates worse than being woke.
Fuck Elon, nevertheless, it is important to see in what Wikimedia foundation are spending its donations on, just like Mozilla.
He’s gurning like he’s on some very good pills
I’ve only donated once before, and that was like $25 a year ago. Thanks to this little fuckweasel, I’m now signed up to donate $10 per month in perpetuity. Eat shit, Musk.
Same. Streisand effect I guess.