• Ukraine says it has liberated four villages in the south-east, calling these the first settlements won back from Russia since Kyiv’s counter-offensive began
  • On Monday morning, officials reported that “the national flag is once again waving” over Storozhove, in the Donetsk region
  • A day earlier, footage showed Ukrainian troops celebrating in Blahodatne and Neskuchne - and a minister said nearby Makarivka was also taken
  • The settlements are relatively small - and Moscow is yet to confirm any retreat
  • The Institute for the Study of War backs up Kyiv’s claims, saying Ukraine captured “multiple settlements” along the frontline over the weekend
  • On Saturday, President Zelensky acknowledged that the long-awaited counter-offensive was under way
  • BombOmOm
    1 year ago

    How dare someone be proud of a country and want them to be victorious against invaders!

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Point is, the guy’s motivations were singularly around Ukrainian nationalism. Then when Hitler found him inconvenient, he was imprisoned. When judging people’s actions, it’s best to stay informed about their motives. Especially so when you’re trying to cast people as Nazis by two degrees of separation.

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              Then when Hitler found him inconvenient, he was imprisoned.

              And released soon after and pumped with money and send as agent to fight Soviets. You might also read what happened to him after war.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Stalin made a deal with Hitler to split up Poland. Surely anyone who doesn’t condemn Stalin’s legacy must be essentially a Nazi?

                • @[email protected]
                  -21 year ago

                  Zelensky is a Jew, that is why he wants to support Nazism. Obama is black, so he can never bomb Libya. You going for this logic, amirite?

                  • @[email protected]
                    -21 year ago

                    No. I’m saying that in complex wars with many parties, it can be simplistic to label people as dedicated to a cause when they have merely made an alliance of convenience. What you’re talking with Zelensky is different. Nazism is a direct threat to his ethnicity.

                    I’m not sure where Obama enters into it, though. Black people have been killing other Black people in Africa for a long time. When ethnicity is involved, it’s usually tribal instead of racial.

    • @Blursty
      -11 year ago

      Yes, that’s why the Ukronazis were killing them and trying to ethnically cleanse them for over 8 years.