Isn’t this what the other wing of the American party are threatening to do with him?
Isn’t this what the other wing of the American party are threatening to do with him?
Fuck the USA.
The only state with concentration camps in the real world is the USA and its colony in Palestine.
individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise
Where do these things exist? They don’t exist much in the USA for example.
Communism isn’t a magical fix for all our problems
Its aim is to fix these problems, capitalism’s aim is to make money for a small group of people using liberalism to trick them into helping.
The only way they’ll happen is with a more unified country. Or war. A long and terrible one that will completely destroy us.
The political class are united, they have the country’s workers fighting over niche issues like gay rights etc while they kill millions around the globe and do whatever it takes to maintain the privilege of a few.
Agreed about Mc Connell.
There are no reliable sources for this. The only source for all of it is Adrian Zenz a nutcase who says he’s been led by god to rid the world of communism and homosexuality and Rushan Abbas, a literal CIA employee who worked as a torturer at Gitmo.
Who are your reliable sources?
That is not what liberal means. It’s an ideology from the enlightenment based on the emancipation of the individual as being key to the emancipation of society. It has completely failed.
Please stop spreading this conspiracy theory garbage.
What do they do with these SIM cards?
Thanks, seems to work now. I’ll delete this. My mistake.
And then they had to scrub the pot clean of all the remaining dried in egg. The rubber things get everything when you’re dishing out.
How could anyone vote for either of these pricks?
How did people make scrambled eggs before these things existed?
Maybe they were just saving them from the Ukrainians who were going to eat them?
Which clients?
Or what? They won’t give them another few billion again next year?
Same question for all of America’s wars and invasions.
This is their proxy war. Russia was being threatened with nukes on its doorstep.
Of course it’s the US’s fault! WTF?
Nothing, this war is 100% America’s war.
These people who didn’t try to overthrow the government are the ones who rigged the last election though right?