• @stetech
    2 months ago

    Someone break this word down for me

    Hilfe leistungs lösch gruppen fahrzeug

    (technically i’d need to add capitalization and dashes when separating into full nouns)

    help giving exterminating groups’ vehicle drive thing (as others in this thread have noted)

    Das Hilfeleistungslöschgruppenfahrzeug der Feuerwehr […]

    The aid-providing fire-fighting vehicle of the fire department

    Es transportiert Feuerwehrleute, Leitern, Werkzeuge, Schläu[che…]

    It transports firefighters, ladders, tools, hoses

    Not gonna lie, it’s a bit over the top. Feuerwehrfahrzeug (fire dept’s truck) would’ve sufficed IMO. Nobody not working as a firefighter (and arguably not even all of those who do) knows let alone uses that long-form word.