Just another defense fantasy syndrome here imagining that the only way for people to have rights is to kill each other. Wake the fuck up. This is not necessary in any other major country.
You have been fed a lie and continue to ignore the unnecessary body count. You think moar guns is going to solve the problems when it just creates it. An unregulated armed society is one that loses the equivalent of a war in population every year.
We already have more guns than people. Zero kids in Japan died this year from guns and a it is now the number one cause of child death in the US. How many moar guns do we need. We have roughly twice as many guns than people
Perhaps you gun nutters think we need ten or twenty times moar guns than people. Instead of two guns for every man woman child and baby we need ten gunnnns ddddduuuurrr.
Meanwhile arms manufacturer are laughing all the way to the bank while we lose over a hundred lives everyday to guns.
You are defending the death cult plain and simple. No logic just defense fantasy syndrome.
Repeating nonsense isn’t logic dude. In all that bullshit you didn’t even explain what part of the very simple logic I explained is even wrong. Queer people do not have the power to change American culture themselves. They have to live in the world as is. It is you who are advocating for a death cult.
Just another defense fantasy syndrome here imagining that the only way for people to have rights is to kill each other. Wake the fuck up. This is not necessary in any other major country.
You have been fed a lie and continue to ignore the unnecessary body count. You think moar guns is going to solve the problems when it just creates it. An unregulated armed society is one that loses the equivalent of a war in population every year.
We already have more guns than people. Zero kids in Japan died this year from guns and a it is now the number one cause of child death in the US. How many moar guns do we need. We have roughly twice as many guns than people
Perhaps you gun nutters think we need ten or twenty times moar guns than people. Instead of two guns for every man woman child and baby we need ten gunnnns ddddduuuurrr.
Meanwhile arms manufacturer are laughing all the way to the bank while we lose over a hundred lives everyday to guns.
You are defending the death cult plain and simple. No logic just defense fantasy syndrome.
Repeating nonsense isn’t logic dude. In all that bullshit you didn’t even explain what part of the very simple logic I explained is even wrong. Queer people do not have the power to change American culture themselves. They have to live in the world as is. It is you who are advocating for a death cult.