As the evolving fires in Los Angeles are directly impacting our cast and crew, we’re taking a break from streaming this week with the intention of returning to Exandria next Thursday, January 16th.
In the meantime, the kindness of Critters like you has allowed us to make a donation of $30k to the California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Recovery Fund through the Critical Role Foundation. Your generosity continues to help us fund emergency response efforts around the world and close to home, thank you!
While the situation evolves remember to take care of one another, reach out to those you can help, and stay kind out there. Light will always break through the darkness,
❤️ Critical Role
Learn more about CCF’s Wildfire Recovery Fund
Donate to CRF
Kyle & Jon Phoenix Fund (Rebuilding after Eaton Fire)
Fox’s Restaurant Fire Relief
Middleton Family
Winston and Catherine Chappell Fund