The entire implication is that you don’t even have enough credit on a credit card to get a pizza. So you’re basically taking on a second layer of debt for a fucking pizza directly with dominoes lmao you really don’t see the difference?
yeah but it was a specific program from like dominoes or something. it was pretty effed up. all the same did not seem to take off so maybe they just wanted to propose something stupid for free advertising.
That’s something that literally exists all over the civilized world were credit cards are used.
You can pay your credit card debt in installments or portions/quotes
It’s not an earth shattering news
The entire implication is that you don’t even have enough credit on a credit card to get a pizza. So you’re basically taking on a second layer of debt for a fucking pizza directly with dominoes lmao you really don’t see the difference?
yeah but it was a specific program from like dominoes or something. it was pretty effed up. all the same did not seem to take off so maybe they just wanted to propose something stupid for free advertising.