TNG s6e4 "Relics "

Note: Exception to the 2nd point being that it eventually results in the equivalent of Commander Data. The current Zuckerberg model isn’t up to snuff.

  • MaggiWuerze
    1 day ago


    Darf der Beifahrer während der Fahrt Alkohol trinken? Solange sich der Beifahrer nicht aktiv in die Fahrt einmischt - durch starke Ablenkung oder Eingreifen in das Lenkrad - darf der Beifahrer auch während der Fahrt Alkohol trinken.

    Or in english:

    Can the passenger drink alcohol while driving? As long as the passenger does not actively interfere in the ride - due to strong distraction or intervention in the steering wheel - the passenger may also drink alcohol during the ride.

    I would ask where he can’t? That seems a weird limitation for a person not doing anything at the time