A Direct is announced for April 2nd to cover the games.

    • @[email protected]
      84 hours ago

      GPU that’s roughly on par with the Steam Deck.

      …when comparing TFLOPs, and that’s not comparable across architectures (by different companies as well!).

      If we take similar-performing (in rasterization) Ampere and RDNA 2 cards (say a 3080 and 6800 XT), we can see the 3080 has 29.77 TFLOPs and the 6800 XT has 20.74 TFLOPs, an RDNA 2 FLOP is worth about 1.4x as much as an Ampere FLOP.

      So extrapolating the 1.6 “RDNA 2 TFLOPs” of the Deck we get 2.24 “Ampere TFLOPs” and that’d make the Deck quite a bit faster than the Switch 2 in portable mode, but slower than the Switch 2 in docked mode.

      This is obviously all just wild and silly speculation, but I doubt the Switch 2 will match the Deck in portable mode. Samsung 8nm would just eat too much power for this to realistically happen in a handheld form factor.

    • @[email protected]
      55 hours ago

      No wonder they successfully stopped ongoing development of switch emulation on steam deck.

    • @caut_R
      126 hours ago

      Especially considering it has access to DLSS, I‘m looking forward to see what Nintendo‘s first party studios can cook up with these specs. But I‘m waiting for the OLED model sometime in the future.

    • Carighan Maconar
      16 hours ago

      Interesting, since we now know the size I would not have expected it to be on-par roughly with the Deck while being so much thinner and a bit smaller. Hrm.