That’s a silly slogan, I get the appeal but I think it’s just an easy way to avoid taking responsibility for our own decisions.
At the very least, there is better and worse consumption. It is utter nonsense to say that buying something made possible by modern day slavery is the same as paying a local artisan for something.
No, I used it as an easy example of why it doesn’t really make sense to say that use of something equates to approval of everything behind it. And also as example of something one doesn’t have much choice about.
That’s a silly slogan, I get the appeal but I think it’s just an easy way to avoid taking responsibility for our own decisions.
At the very least, there is better and worse consumption. It is utter nonsense to say that buying something made possible by modern day slavery is the same as paying a local artisan for something.
By your logic, you must be happy about climate change since you’re okay with using the Internet which is mostly fueled by fossil fuels
Oh, neat! I didn’t realize that much like clothes there are ethical internet alternatives. Which do you use?
The topic was phones. Which non existent ethical phone do you use?
You shifted the topic to the internet.
No, I used it as an easy example of why it doesn’t really make sense to say that use of something equates to approval of everything behind it. And also as example of something one doesn’t have much choice about.