I don’t know if I’m going crazy but looking at the current situation in the world … please tell me that I’m overexagurating

  • @[email protected]
    410 hours ago

    I highly doubt that WWIII will happen (within the next few years), however I forsee the next several years to not be peacful. There will be several (regional/civil) despites that will most likley occur and the chances of any of them escalating is highly unlikley. Here are the conflicts I forsee:

    • Continued Syrian Civil War: wont be pretty but escalation is unlikely
    • Palestinian occupation: Will absolutely continue to be horrific but none of the neighboring Arab counties care enough to escalate (or risk US aid)
    • Russia/Ukraine war: Russia will get some territory and thats about it, probrally just the Russian majority areas. After that the EU will intimidate Russia to back off.
    • India/China border dispute: They’ll make a lot of noise, actural fighting is unlikely
    • US/Canada/Mexico/Greenland conflict: Who knows tbh, most likley Trump is running off his mouth as always
    • China/Taiwan: I severly doubt it, in addition the US is moving microchip manufacturing to the US so strategic value may loosen

    Worst case scenario here is a full blown war between the EU and Russia, the US likley wont get involved (Trump doesnt care about Europe) and neither will China (both counties might send aid respectively). It would probrally end with Russia surrendering followed by them loosing no land and maybe a regime change plus some political reforms.

    • @[email protected]
      -59 hours ago

      Russia/Ukraine war: Russia will get some territory and thats about it, probrally just the Russian majority areas. After that the EU will intimidate Russia to back off.

      This is one may cool down. Definitely would not have under Harris. This is the big ww3 fear.

      India/China border dispute: They’ll make a lot of noise, actural fighting is unlikely

      They have resolved their territorial dispute, or at least made a major agreement that mostly resolves it.