I don’t know if I’m going crazy but looking at the current situation in the world … please tell me that I’m overexagurating

  • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
    251 minutes ago

    Could already be going. We didn’t name them World War 1 and World War 2 until after they were over

  • @[email protected]
    65 hours ago

    I think that the true world war 3 will not be nations against nations, but citizens against their own nations. The stage is set for an actual paradigm shift or system annihilation. We will not support civilization if it doesn’t change, either the people destroy the pyramid or the pyramid will destroy the world.

    • @[email protected]
      42 hours ago

      I kinda doubt that will happen. For instance, look at Venezuela: Venezuelans are beyond fed up with Maduro’s dictatorship, but there’s nothing they can do against the government forces.

      Governments will do anything they can to prevent a paradigm change.

      • @[email protected]
        153 minutes ago

        What revolution really takes is soldier’s that are protecting the system being unwilling to kill when the “rebels” are their family and friends.

        If soldiers have love for the people and see common cause more than they fear their leaders then the leader can fall.

  • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
    198 hours ago

    Nah, there won’t be WW3. Instead we get countries sabotaging each other via hacking critical infrastructure, proxy wars, propaganda, trade wars.

    I doubt there will ever be a direct “hot war” between the top five nuclear powers ever again.

    WW3 is not what’s gonna kill people, climate change is more likely gonna be humanity’s downfall.

  • @[email protected]
    169 hours ago

    In 2001 there was that 9/11 thing and it sounded like WW3 had just started. Turns out, it didn’t. Well, lots of things did happen as a result of it, but WW3 wasn’t one of them. Soon after that, USA was involved in a number if wars in the middle east and it felt like WW3 had just started. Again, it didn’t. Some time around 2010s the tension between North Korea and South Korea was getting pretty intense, and a friend of mine started talking WW3… As usual, WW3 didn’t start.

    At the moment, the situation in Ukraine feels just like all the other major incidents, but we’ll se how it works out. If you expose your mind to tabloid journalism it begins to feel like the entire world is about to explode. History has a tendency of repeating itself, so I suggest reading about the things that lead to WW1 and WW2. Once, you’ve done that, you’ll begin to pay attention to certain signs and start ignoring most of the nonsense tabloids keep writing about.

    • @[email protected]
      7 hours ago

      That’s just survivorship bias, you didn’t live through the worlds where all those things escalated into flat out war, you dimension skipping hippie.

  • @[email protected]
    47 hours ago

    I highly doubt that WWIII will happen (within the next few years), however I forsee the next several years to not be peacful. There will be several (regional/civil) despites that will most likley occur and the chances of any of them escalating is highly unlikley. Here are the conflicts I forsee:

    • Continued Syrian Civil War: wont be pretty but escalation is unlikely
    • Palestinian occupation: Will absolutely continue to be horrific but none of the neighboring Arab counties care enough to escalate (or risk US aid)
    • Russia/Ukraine war: Russia will get some territory and thats about it, probrally just the Russian majority areas. After that the EU will intimidate Russia to back off.
    • India/China border dispute: They’ll make a lot of noise, actural fighting is unlikely
    • US/Canada/Mexico/Greenland conflict: Who knows tbh, most likley Trump is running off his mouth as always
    • China/Taiwan: I severly doubt it, in addition the US is moving microchip manufacturing to the US so strategic value may loosen

    Worst case scenario here is a full blown war between the EU and Russia, the US likley wont get involved (Trump doesnt care about Europe) and neither will China (both counties might send aid respectively). It would probrally end with Russia surrendering followed by them loosing no land and maybe a regime change plus some political reforms.

    • @[email protected]
      -57 hours ago

      Russia/Ukraine war: Russia will get some territory and thats about it, probrally just the Russian majority areas. After that the EU will intimidate Russia to back off.

      This is one may cool down. Definitely would not have under Harris. This is the big ww3 fear.

      India/China border dispute: They’ll make a lot of noise, actural fighting is unlikely

      They have resolved their territorial dispute, or at least made a major agreement that mostly resolves it.

  • @[email protected]
    2111 hours ago

    The situation today is nowhere near as bad as the Cold War.

    Think of it this way. All of the 0.01%ers in china, USA and Russia share the same tastes and values. Think any of them are really hot to blow up their nice places on the Rivera?

  • @Brkdncr
    2211 hours ago

    No. It’s bad for the economy.

  • @[email protected]
    1610 hours ago


    Russia (the current primary aggressor) is on the brink of a banking system collapse. It doesn’t have the money to wage war on a bigger scale than it already is.

    China is far more interested in trade than hostilities.

    The middle east has been a tinder box for over a hundred years. I don’t see it dragging outsiders into it and hopefully we have a respite coming.

    Central Asia has tension between India and Pakistan, but that’s nothing new. India could piss off China or the reverse, and if that kicked off the loss of life could be on a scale that would be unprecedented but still I think it wouldn’t drag the west in.

    • @small44
      09 hours ago

      Sorry if i misinterpreted your comment but saying that the middle east has been a tinder box for century feel like it alluding that other regions like Europe has less conflicts and is less prone to violence

      • @[email protected]
        08 hours ago

        Europe has certainly had its violent ages. Since WW2 its built good relationships between the countries. I do not forsee any conflict except for Russia.

  • @xc2215x
    27 hours ago

    No but there will be wars.

  • @Stovetop
    69 hours ago

    Star Trek says that we shouldn’t expect World War 3 until 2026, so we’ve got 1 more year to live to the fullest before then.

      • Vaggumon
        14 hours ago

        I’m disabled and well below the poverty line, I’m fully aware where I would end up in a class war.

  • @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    Many will say that World War Three cannot happen, that nuclear weapons will prevent it. However, this assumes that World War Three has to be global thermonuclear war, rather than some repeat of the previous world wars.

    Cities don’t have to be leveled for nations to fight a world war. The US fought two world wars, and we never had our cities and infrastructure decimated. What I can imagine is a future world war where all the major players fight the war in the same way the US fought the two previous wars. Both sides contribute massive resources, adopt wartime economies, throw their whole populations behind the effort etc, but at no point do the various combatants directly attack the main territory and population centers of the other side. You could have a conflict where both sides lost millions of troops fighting it out in some third party territory, but the nukes never fly as all sides realize that invading the home territory of the others is suicide.