Instagram Reels and YT Shorts are very popular in India, especially after the Tiktok ban. Curiously, whilst some Chinese apps are banned, Chinese hardware especially mobile phones are very popular in India.
Since the ban was done after a Sino India border clash, there was little logic as to why Indian users would migrate to other Chinese apps and the void was filled by domestic and international replacements.
Since Zuck, Musk and whoever runs Google didn’t lobby heavily to get TikTok banned in India, the users had no reason to be super salty towards those platforms (aside from the usual reasons to hate on those platforms). Over 5he last week I saw as many people on TikTok saying to follow them on Instagram as I saw people saying fuck Zuck, I’m not using Instagram Reels (one dude said he’d rather “walk barefoot over molten glass legos”)
No mention of users in India rushing out to download and install similar Chinese-language apps. 🤔
Instagram Reels and YT Shorts are very popular in India, especially after the Tiktok ban. Curiously, whilst some Chinese apps are banned, Chinese hardware especially mobile phones are very popular in India.
Since the ban was done after a Sino India border clash, there was little logic as to why Indian users would migrate to other Chinese apps and the void was filled by domestic and international replacements.
They just don’t have that USA streak of “bite my finger to spite my face” or whatever that saying is.
“Cut off their nose to spite their face.”
Spider face*
At this point, in the US, it’s “stab myself in the gonads to spite my face”.
From first hand experience, Instagram reels took the crown with YT shorts in the second place.
In my circle, I haven’t seen anyone use local social media apps
That’s a bit sad, I was hoping to hear the Indian apps having traction.
Well then I guess as long as daddy Sam data mines Indians it ain’t as bad sheepooh huh
Since Zuck, Musk and whoever runs Google didn’t lobby heavily to get TikTok banned in India, the users had no reason to be super salty towards those platforms (aside from the usual reasons to hate on those platforms). Over 5he last week I saw as many people on TikTok saying to follow them on Instagram as I saw people saying fuck Zuck, I’m not using Instagram Reels (one dude said he’d rather “walk barefoot over molten glass legos”)