• @Lost_My_Mind
    210 hours ago

    I know people don’t want to hear it but can we expect non-techies to meet techies half way by leveling their tech skill tree?

    In order to charge her iphone, my mom first turns on airplane mode, and THEN she powers it down. Turns it off completely. I asked why she does any of that. She says “Because they won’t flip the charge switch for me until they do! I wish I could take the battery out first, and THEN turn off the phone. But I suppose if they can’t see my battery with airplane mode on first, this is just as good.”

    And you want this woman to learn terminal?

    • @[email protected]
      23 hours ago

      I’m sorry, but could you please elaborate? I’m not being facetious, I truly don’t understand what she’s saying/doing.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        12 hours ago

        She thinks that if she just plugs in the plug to charge it, that the people at appleHQ won’t let her phone charge because they don’t like her. So she first turns on airplane mode, so that they have no communication with her phone, and can’t see what she’s doing. THEN she turns OFF the phone, so that her phone won’t know it’s her charging it.

        Yes, I realize NONE of that makes sense. At all. That’s kind of my point that she’s not going to be learning anything new about technology. I just nod my head, yes mom, the people at appleHQ can’t see you now…go ahead and charge your phone…

        While rolling my eyes internally.

    • @tabular
      310 hours ago

      Learning is difficult but I have to believe it is still part of the solution.

    • @TheGrandNagus
      9 hours ago

      Why would she ever need to use a terminal?

      I imagine she’d be doing normal computer stuff, not writing bash scripts.