ABP and Bpf Bouw, two of the largest four pension funds in the Netherlands with over €600bn in assets between them, have sold their shares in Tesla over ESG concerns
Started looking for places to move to in 2017 because we lived in a red state and the writing was on the wall. Settled on the Netherlands and moved in 2019. Getting through covid was a bitch and I’d feel a lot better if the Dutch hadn’t also just elected a right wing nut job, but my mental and physical health are noticeably better. Once you get out you really realize how toxic American culture is. It’s like swimming downstream from a mine your whole life and then suddenly getting air lifted to some Icelandic spring.
I work for a big company, and moved my pension. And I can invest it, in almost whatever I want.
And because the yearly fee for the funds i choose is less than what my company payed before. I get payed the difference, which is nice.
Cool! So how do you do that? If I go to e.g. the ABP site, I see no way to sign up. (Both ABP and BPF Bouw are sector-specifc too, I suppose, maybe that’s the issue? But looking at a more generic pension provider, they mention either being part of HR, or self-employed…)
Well there’s a pension funds i’ll have to look into :) may even move!
Started looking for places to move to in 2017 because we lived in a red state and the writing was on the wall. Settled on the Netherlands and moved in 2019. Getting through covid was a bitch and I’d feel a lot better if the Dutch hadn’t also just elected a right wing nut job, but my mental and physical health are noticeably better. Once you get out you really realize how toxic American culture is. It’s like swimming downstream from a mine your whole life and then suddenly getting air lifted to some Icelandic spring.
Yeah, we laugh about the orange baboon up there, but we have our own chimpansee down here :( we’re in no way better then the Americans in that regard.
I dont read the papers anymore, i dont watch the news anymore.
Humanity is sick and rotting, and i dont think we’ll ever rise above that. Humanity will ruin itself and the planet.
But yeah… Other then that i’m very peachy and positive :)
I don’t think we really have the freedom to choose our own pension funds, do we? Possibly if you’re self-employed.
I work for a big company, and moved my pension. And I can invest it, in almost whatever I want. And because the yearly fee for the funds i choose is less than what my company payed before. I get payed the difference, which is nice.
Cool! So how do you do that? If I go to e.g. the ABP site, I see no way to sign up. (Both ABP and BPF Bouw are sector-specifc too, I suppose, maybe that’s the issue? But looking at a more generic pension provider, they mention either being part of HR, or self-employed…)
Well I live in Norway, I guess not every county are able to move it freely?
Our company doesnt “meddle” in staff’s pensions. The idea is that i know better what fits me then my boss does.
Next Monday i have talks about my pension, so i can tell you then ;-)