Broadcast starts April 7, 2025


Shuichiro Umeda as Koichi Haimawari

Ikumi Hasegawa as Pop Step

Yasuhiro Mamiya as Knuckleduster

Synopsis: Koichi Haimawari couldn’t make the cut to become an official hero, so he uses his modest Quirk to do good deeds in his spare time. Then one day a fateful encounter with some local thugs leads him to team up with two other unlikely heroes. None of them really know what they’re doing, but they’ve got the courage—or foolishness—to try. But they soon discover fighting evil takes more than just being brave…

Teaser PV:

  • @dragontamer
    2 months ago

    Shippuden alone is twice the length of DBZ.

    And One Piece is twice the length of Shippuden and isn’t even done yet.

    Dragonball Z Kai isnt really that long at 167 episodes. Like fucking YuGiOh (Just the original Yugi Moto) is longer than DBZ Kai.

    I don’t know why people lump Dragonball into the super long anime crowds. But there’s a huge difference from 167 episodes vs 500 (Shippuden) or 1100+ (One Piece).

    Dragonball Z is also quite different. It was clear that DBZ intended to end after Friza was defeated. So really, the anime feels like 3 different anime.

    IE: when Naruto grows up that’s 500 episodes of Shippuden. Compare to the DBZ time skip when Gohan grows up that’s just the Buu Saga, just a piece of DBZ.

    • hmmmOP
      126 days ago

      Sorry for late reply but I meant DB. Not DBZ and DBS. And I have rewatched DBS so many times.