And always gonna be. Go cry about it some more

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      The same phenomenon that turned the TNG era Klingon into a Discovery era Klingon also turned the Cerritos from a California class to a Galaxy class. So I guess TNG is also no longer canon.

    • StametsOPM
      2 months ago

      It was not erased from Canon and I’m starting to lean towards banning that site on this community for outright misinformation.

      It’s stunning how there are people who hate Discovery so much they will full on fucking lie about what is happening. It certainly wasn’t a misunderstanding because that episode makes it abundantly clear that Discovery was not erased from canon. There was a single fucking scene of the quantum rift changing a Klingon ship into a Discovery era one. That is the entirety of the proof that “Discovery was erased from canon.” Problem is that it doesn’t work because the quantum rift changes you into something from another era or multiverse. The only thing that scene did was temporally shift the klingons. Same way the klingons were temporally shifted and turned into a sailing barge. Both are part of Klingon history.

      Just because some haterboy has a failure in comprehension skills does not mean that it was erased from Canon.