Yeah! Just because a racist, fascist douchebag does a seig heil doesn’t mean you should tell obvious big mean old lies about him being a Nazi!

You tell those woke mind virus victims, Joe!

  • @Zombiepirate
    2 months ago

    He’s a cryptofascist. I don’t think he’s come outright and said it, but when he portrays himself as the semi-ironic white supremacist god “Kek,” he knows that it gives him enough plausible deniably that he can play his fashy little denial games.

    After his sieg heil the other day, there’s no longer any room for doubt.

    So he didn’t outright say it, but if I flip someone off while grinning and telling them they’re number one, there’s no denying what I’m actually saying.

    • Anti-Face Weapon
      22 months ago

      I 100% agree but the user I responded to claimed that Elon admitted to being a white supremacist, and I just wanted a source on that because I don’t think it happened