Building off of TPM’s Picard/Sisko meme.

Edit: Re-uploaded to add more badassery.

  • StametsM
    261 month ago

    She’s my favorite Captain for a reason. Love this bad ass bitch.

    Makes it even better when you realize AOC watched Voyager, loves Janeway and that Katey Mullgrew came out to support AOC.

    Best fuckin Captain.

    • MaggiWuerze
      11 month ago

      Easily, yeah. I like Jean Lucs class and all, but Janeway is just so damn approachable. Also I think besides DS9 Voyager has the most unique setting. I like it better when they don’t just roam around playing morale police but actually have to live by their own standards despite challenging circumstances, especially when they’re forced to bend them somewhat