• @[email protected]
    261 month ago

    Lmaooo at your UN in combo with your comment. Not sure if this is just a novelty account, but if you’re legitimately having difficulty having positive interactions with women, please talk to someone about it. Women don’t want to be sexually harassed, and maybe just avoiding them entirely works best for you, but you can definitely have normal, positive interactions with women if that’s something you’d like to work on. Women aren’t some crazy “other”, they’re just people that want to be treated with respect. It might seem like they are over asking for space, but society has had a history of not respecting women’s space, so there has been a movement to reclaim it even at a heavy cost. I understand it can seem like a lot from other perspectives, but women, like most people in general, just want to feel safe, respected, and happy. If you can make men feel comfortable around you, you can make women feel comfortable around you. If it’s something that causes you distress, I hope you’re able to work on that, because having positive relationships with others is imho a positive part of the human experience.

    • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
      121 month ago

      Nah it’s just a joke about how a lot of women told all men to stop talking to them and then acted shocked when men stopped talking to them.

      I have a girlfriend and we have a pretty good relationship. I have a lot of female friends and we get along just fine. I just like to poke fun at women when they get all butthurt because a small but very loud percentage of men are jackasses and they try to take it out on all men.

      • @[email protected]
        151 month ago

        Thanks for responding. Legitimately happy to hear you’re in positive relationships with women. Will have to at least mention that the idea from your first comment that there’s a large majority of women asking for men to stop talking to them and then here you stating that women are shocked men stopped talking to them is probably not as accurate as some news sites would have you believe. One tweet can be blown up into 100s of different stories across the news, but in reality calling women “butthurt” because men are “jackasses” is really not helping. Men aren’t just being jackasses, they’re sometimes making being a woman in public unsafe. I’m not gonna even get into actual violence or anything, but I have a comment in my history here talking about how I was nice to a bus driver and when I turned down his advances he no longer stopped at my stop. That isn’t being a jackass imho. Maybe him not saying hi back going forward from that day is jackassery. What he did was harmful behavior beyond jackassery and not even because I was rude. Just because I (as a child) turned him (a grown man) down. I stopped being “nice” to bus drivers. Yea, sure, “not all men”/“not all bus drivers” but since I can’t tell who’s gonna act that way, it’s a way to protect myself. Asking men not to talk to them isn’t “taking it out on men”, it’s protecting themselves. I have a wonderful, mostly male, friend group, and though I’ve never championed men avoiding women, I would definitely feel overall safer if the only change to my days was that random men never started nonessential conversations with me. Really wish men would spend more time poking fun at men for being “jackasses” than at women for being “butthurt”. Just my 2 cents.

        • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
          81 month ago

          Really wish men would spend more time poking fun at men for being “jackasses” than at women for being “butthurt”.

          I do both.

      • @janonymous
        91 month ago

        So, a “huge majority of women have been telling men not to talk to them”, but only a “a small but very loud percentage of men are jackasses”?

        What makes you so sure it isn’t the other way around? Or it’s very loud minorities on both sides?

        • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
          91 month ago

          It very well could be loud minorities on both sides. That’s a fair assumption to make.

          I just know that every story I’ve heard a woman tell about all men being creepy, they ignore every man that wasn’t. They could go through an entire day of normal interactions from people of all sexes and then deal with 1 creepy dude and that’s all they remember.

          So whenever I hear women complaining about it I poke fun. Because it’s not “all men” just like it’s not all women complaining about all men.

          • @janonymous
            41 month ago

            When I hear someone complain about men I always assume it’s about the way men are socialized in our society not about literally all men. It’s a way to air out frustrations, not an actual statement. Of course there are exceptions, some do mean it literally, but they are definitely a minority.

            I mean I agree, it’s silly to phrase it like that, but I find reactions like this even more silly. Someone is venting their frustration about a specific experience, that fuels a general frustration with the way a significant portion of men behave (which includes heinous crimes that are systemically perpetrated by men against women). And the reaction they get is “Well, actually, it’s not all men, you know?”. Like, come on. Is that really what’s being said here? Isn’t that reaction a kind of whataboutism? Instead of talking about what caused this or showing some empathy, you really want to make fun of it and point out the semantics?

            • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
              91 month ago

              Except I’ve been at the other end where I did absolutely nothing wrong but because I’m a man I’m the perpetrator.

              I’ve had women tell me to my face that they hate all men. I’ve been blamed for things women did because I’m a man and therefore must be the problem.

              I’ve even been accused of rape by a woman I never even physically touched only talked to for 20 minutes. We didn’t even talk about anything sexual much less sexually inappropriate.

              The pendulum swings both ways. I don’t hate women. I don’t hate men. I recognize both sides have bad characteristics. I recognize both sides go through different struggles.

              I’m just tired of being seen as an enemy just for having a penis.

              So I poke fun at it.

              • @janonymous
                11 month ago

                Yeah, I don’t think that’s very helpful, but then again neither is blaming all men 🤷‍♂️

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            sees woman telling men to talk to women

            makes “joke” about how he won’t talk to women because they’re too sensitive

            defends joke by saying he always makes fun of women when they ask men to not talk to them

            doesn’t see inherent contradiction in 1st line with 3rd line

            You’re saying women overgeneralize but you’re responding here as though the woman asking to be left alone is in the room with you right now. She’s not. It kinda just looks like you’re looking for excuses to “poke fun” at women wanting to feel safe. Why’d you bring it up if it has nothing to do with the OP?

            • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
              61 month ago

              Nah she’s not in the room with me because she’s my ex.

              Unfortunately she used to be in the room with me all the time talking about all this shit.

              Man bad this, man bad that.

              Sexist women exist. And there’s a lot of them.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      I can have pleasant positive interactions without having to repress sexual thoughts with people I’m not attracted to easily. The problem is I’m bi and poly and I’m attracted to a lot of people and having to actively repress sexual thoughts is unpleasant and uses up constant brain power so I temporarily lose IQ points and some social skills.

      My workplace is full of very attractive women in particular and I get along great with all of them but I also kind of want to die when I’m talking to them because I really don’t want try to start a relationship with a co-worker and they’re out of my league anyway but my god they’re good looking.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        Fellow bi here, hi! I don’t use that term, but I get it. Not super sure what you’re bringing up here though? If you’re not making them uncomfortable it’s ok to be attracted to them. If talking to them for prolonged periods makes you uncomfortable it’s ok to keep it short/professional with them. Am I missing something?

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          I suppose the underlying point by bringing up that I’m bi is that the implication isn’t that straight men struggle to have positive deep non-sexual relationships with women easily because they’re attracted to them. Not because they are women. Its likely straight men probably internalize misogyny from their experiences without proper self reflection. Not realizing that’s more that they just hate being “down bad” for people. Unfulfilled desire is miserable, I might be an atheist but the Buddhists have a half a point there.

          As for your thoughts on my situation, I’m aware its fine that I’m attracted to them ethically. Talking to them less wont improve my mental health situation much though because its not precisely discomfort with the individual interaction that is the issue exactly, I just become dumber when I do.

          Its more of a deep existential dread that comes with having to regularly see and interact with people I want to be intimate with very badly but knowing It’ll likely never happen and knowing I’ll never ever be able to convey those feelings honestly with people I see more than basically anyone else in my life. (Work basically takes up everyone’s life in the modern age) Like, if I keep my interactions long or brief doesn’t fundamentally matter. The rumination comes for me later regardless.

          So a real tangent: I guess really the issue is that I need a third place with people I’m attracted to in it that I go to everyday but I haven’t the foggiest idea what that would even be in my situation. I have a long commute because I can’t afford to live closer to a population center, so bars are out of the question, so I just rot at home exhausted after work everyday in the middle of nowhere. I hate capitalism and living in the midwest so fucking much. I also despise mononormative culture.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            🙏 thank you for making this comment so I didn’t have to.

            Any groups or anything near where you are? Usually people make clubs or anything, even if it’s something you hate you’ll usually find it fun if there are good people there. Also just going to a park (if there is one) and reading, you can find some cool people who want to chat.

            As for dating coworkers, you know your situation better than me, but most people won’t care that much if you just say hey this coffee shop is pretty good if you want to go, gives them an easy out (I’m busy) and doesn’t put too much out there.

            • @[email protected]
              21 month ago

              Thanks! I sometimes end up a little verbose but its nice that my inclination to ramble about this stuff is appreciated!

              There are groups I’m already a part of, they don’t meet that often though and in both groups I go to they’re kind of not fertile ground for dating. I probably just need to expand a bit but there is a mental barrier to going somewhere new and worrying about being the newbie. New habits are hard to form.

              The situation at my work place is messy for a number of reasons. Its a very small non-profit and there is even some ambiguity over if one woman I’m into and whether she is a “boss” or just an assistant to the real boss. Obviously if she has any real authority trying to date her is a massive no no but its not explicitly clear. And I mean, that’s kind of frustrating just on the work side of things too if I’m honest.

              • @[email protected]
                129 days ago

                Hey I’m in pretty much the same boat so here’s hoping for both of us 🙏 sometimes you just gotta pick a day and go do it I guess :<

                I actually met some pretty cool people in a language class I took after college, don’t know if there are any near you but class environments are generally pretty low stress.

                Ah I gotcha that’s a bit rough lol, maybe if you are able to find some cool people, it’ll get you used to it so you’ll be able to talk more easily with the boss-not-boss xp