I’ll be honest and VERY plastic for a minute: Trump seems like the kind of person who sharts constantly and leaves it like that, not to torture the people interacting with him with the stench, but as a reminder to himself that he’s untouchable - people still carry him on their shoulders even though he’s staining everyone who touches him.
Trump, if nothing else, will be remembered by history as the US President with the shiniest boots.
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I’ll be honest and VERY plastic for a minute: Trump seems like the kind of person who sharts constantly and leaves it like that, not to torture the people interacting with him with the stench, but as a reminder to himself that he’s untouchable - people still carry him on their shoulders even though he’s staining everyone who touches him.
Who downvotes this? Holy shit.
Oh, nono, I remove the default upvote which comes with every post, sorry about the confusion.
Gigachad move.
Never comment on comment votes within the first few hours. It almost always backfires.
You have 5 blue votes as of this publishing
Who even reads it after 2 hours? I would assume that easily more than 90 % have, at that point, been here.
I sort by Top - 12hr so I can catch up on stuff