• @shalafi
    1 month ago

    I see this complaint all the time. Who does that?! If it’s your employer, and you don’t have an on-call agreement, oh well.

    I’ll answer if I’m on good terms with my manager, probably. I’ve texted a pic of me holding a beer on the river as “sorry, not today”. They scratch my back, I scratch theirs. If I’m not? I’ve already fucking left.

    LOL, just started a low-end job at 54 today. Went to Taco Bell for lunch, those people were miserable. Uh, y’all know you can get a better paying job where they treat you decent, zero experience, just 1-mile down the road?

    tl;dr: Y’all need to learn to quit instead of bitching and quiet quitting. Grow a pair and move on. You’ll likely get a fat raise for doing so.

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      Why should people not complain, how does constantly finding new jobs help anyone. Who are you to offer anyone advice?

      • @shalafi
        1 month ago

        Because turnover drives competition for employees, which drives pay, which drives better management. And if it doesn’t? Then the company fails. But only if employees stand the fuck up. Kinda like how unions work? But yes, individuals can play the game as well.

        Shit employees -> unhappy customers -> less profit -> training costs > less profit -> hateful employees -> less profit. Rinse and repeat.

        LOL, there’s so much more.

        For example: Hire a guy. OK. You now have to pay $X for state unemployment insurance until to dollar amount $Y. Guy quits? Pay $X until $Y, all over again. Rinse and repeat. Could have just kept guy and only paid once. Nope. Now you gotta pay twice, or three times, or four times, however many times that position rolls over in the year.

        Y’all got you’re heads so far up your ass bitching about cApiTaLisTs, you forgot you have the power.

        And who am I? I’m the guy with 4+ decades of employment experience, in many roles.

        • @Alenalda
          11 month ago

          Do you think unions work by having members jump between jobs every few years? You just want to feel superior to the people doing labor for you. The problem is the people hoarding all the cookies not the people starving.

        • @[email protected]
          -21 month ago

          Nice rant but you did the same thing, an essay of nothing and a mention of your age. Aren’t you to old to rant online?

    • @Alenalda
      51 month ago

      who going to make your gross taco bell then?