
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged countering the Trump administration’s policies by resisting at every turn, arguing that its incompetence makes it vulnerable.

Her remarks followed chaos caused by a rescinded executive order that temporarily shut down Medicaid portals nationwide.

She encouraged activists to take offline action, citing ongoing mobilization efforts.

Her strategy focuses on making governance difficult for Trump, calling his administration “dangerous and cruel” but also “shockingly dim.”

  • @TropicalDingdong
    291 month ago

    Understanding and recognizing how the world functions isn’t equivalent to giving up. Nor is “hope” for the sake of hope any kind of a strategy. And yes. The Dem’s are the fucking problem and always have been. Nothing about this fascist takeover would have ever been possible with out the complicity and milquetoast politics of Democrats. They are a worthless and abhorrent party with no integrity and barely worth supporting, beyond the weakest possible argument of them being the “lessor” evil. The rise of fascism would be impossible with out the previous 30 years of normalization politics out of Democrats. Start a voter registration drive? Give me a fucking break with the navel gazing. Voting isn’t going to save the Union.

    We may need the squad to break away from a Democratic party that has shown its self incapable of wielding power in such a way as to prevent the rise of fascism. What we’ll need for on the ground movements to be successful is support in some way from the halls of power. That doesn’t necessarily mean working with Democrats.

    • @PunnyName
      1 month ago

      I dunno, seems like the fascists are the problem, actually.

      • @grue
        171 month ago

        The moderates that tolerate fascists and thus enable them are always the problem, actually. The fascists fail without them but succeed with them, every time.

        • @Warl0k3
          1 month ago

          So the fascists… aren’t the problem?

          • @grue
            1 month ago

            My comment didn’t even slightly say anything even remotely resembling that, and you fucking know it. Quit commenting in bad faith.

            • @Warl0k3
              1 month ago

              It did, though. Or at least the message you’re presenting seems to indicate that.

              The moderates that tolerate fascists and thus enable them are always the problem, actually.

              I’m fairly sure you phrased it like this as a retort to the first commenter’s comment, but you gotta see how insisting the blame ‘actually’ lies with the moderates and the people enabling the fascists is pretty clearly interpretable as shifting the responsibility. Both parties are to blame, but you’re implying that the bulk of the criticism lies with the people being passive about allowing the fascist takeover instead of with the people exploiting the resource they’ve found in moderates by doing the fascism.

              Dems didn’t get their shit together and exploit the moderates first to prevent this, but while that does make them culpable for the current fascist power grab, it does not make them equally culpable, and that is the position you seem to be presenting.

              • @grue
                41 month ago

                I’ll paraphrase another comment I made today responding to the same sort of argument:

                Of fucking course the fascists are the problem; that goes without saying.

                And that’s just it: it goes without saying. The fascists themselves might as well be written off as a lost cause. The fact that moderates act as their enablers, on the other hand, does need to be said because that’s the thing persuasive words might be able to change.

                • @Warl0k3
                  1 month ago

                  I dunno, seems like the fascists are the problem, actually.

                  The moderates that tolerate fascists and thus enable them are always the problem, actually.
                  [emphasis mine]

                  Rome is burning, even Nero is out there organizing the firefighters, and you want to righteously split grammatical hairs? I don’t even have a fiddle metaphor, this is just dumb on both our parts. For quite a few people, people who are even on your side already, it did not go without saying. For 40%+ of the country it doesn’t even go without saying that trump is a fascist. Your opinions are not objectionable, hell from a quick browse through your comment history we agree on pretty much every point, the only problem here is that your message is getting drowned by your very understandable fear and anger.

                  Lashing out at your allies when they think your message is getting lost in the rhetoric is going to accomplish nothing except see you have to fight alone, and neither you nor I will survive this by ourselves.

                  • @Ensign_Crab
                    11 month ago

                    Your opinions are not objectionable, hell from a quick browse through your comment history we agree on pretty much every point, the only problem here is that your message is getting drowned by your very understandable fear and anger.

                    Democrats listened to the fear and anger of republicans. It’s why they ran anti-trans hate in their own ads and adopted republican border policy.

                    They’re fine with fear and anger when it gives them cover to do what they already wanted to do.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        71 month ago

        Maybe learn like, even a tiny bit about the history of fascism and how it comes into being and how it takes power.

    • @rational_lib
      51 month ago

      What’s the alternative? Register as Republicans and do a hostile takeover of that party?

      • @Ensign_Crab
        01 month ago

        Honestly, it would be a lot easier to do a hostile takeover of the Green Party. If Democrats are so damned worried about splitting the vote, they don’t have to field a candidate. It’s not like they are interested in fielding one that can win anyway.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      Who is this ‘we’ you speak of?

      I really wanted Bernie in 2016, 2020, and 2024. Somehow ‘we’ managed not to get out and get him nominated.

      But now, somehow, ‘we’ are going to get organized.

      Until ‘we’ shows me that they can organize a weinie roast, I’ll stick with the people who are actually on the ballot.

      I also notice that you had nothing to say about registering voters as an actual tool.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        121 month ago

        Until ‘we’ shows me that they can organize a weinie roast, I’ll stick with the people who are actually on the ballot.

        I guess you missed the part where we were manning barricades and taking tear gas canisters to the face in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022… directly confronting fascism on the streets and taking it to them. Your obtuseness has no external meaning.

        I also notice that you had nothing to say about registering voters as an actual tool.

        If voting changed anything about this system, they’d make it illegal. Voting as a strategy to stop fascism was attempted in 2020. The result was a 4 year hiatus, but with no real ability or intention to take action against fascism. Biden could have had Trump arrested on day fucking one of taking power. He chose not to. Democrats chose to only make a show of any kind of consequences for a literal attempted coup, because to them, it simply wasn’t a priority. Voting as a strategy to change the system doesn’t work when the people you are obligated to vote for as the “opposition party” are not, and will not, and have no interest in changing the system: ie, Democrats.

        • @EndlessApollo
          141 month ago

          I agree with everything you said 100%, except the bit about how if voting worked it’d be illegal. Republicans are literally trying to make it that way. One of their main goals is to disenfranchise as many poor people and minorities as possible, bc if everyone voted, republicans would lose every election by a landslide. That’s why they love things like manually registering to vote, randomly deregistering people, the electoral college, and hand counting ballots, while opposing mail-in and absentee ballots, automatic voter registration, RCV, basically anything that gives Americans more voting power. Voting is very much the least you can do to affect change in America, but it is still a thing you can and should do regularly before republicans abolish it

          • @TropicalDingdong
            101 month ago

            At a certain point its obvious that you are just intentionally missing the point.

            • @[email protected]
              -81 month ago

              If voting changed anything about this system, they’d make it illegal. Voting as a strategy to stop fascism was attempted in 2020.

              It’s like you just type away and don’t even bother reading what you wrote.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            31 month ago

            bOTh SidES arE tHe SAMe

            Everyone who says this with mixed case sarcasm does so out of bitter disappointment at the remaining differences.

            The parties agree on more shit than they should.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                31 month ago

                Should both parties be 98% identical? Or is that not close enough?

                  • @Ensign_Crab
                    1 month ago

                    Your condescension indicates that you prefer Democrats be to the right of Republicans. On every issue. After all, we kept moving to the right in our quest to return to monke. No matter how far to the right we move, we won’t win against a party that appeals to the right. So we have to be even further to the right than they are.