I’m getting my concealed carry license in about 3 weeks. Are there any companies that offer concealed carry insurance that donate to political campaigns or PACs?
I’m getting my concealed carry license in about 3 weeks. Are there any companies that offer concealed carry insurance that donate to political campaigns or PACs?
So how do you pay to defend a wrongful death action that can be brought even after a self defense aquittal?
What Is Civil Liability After Self-Defense
oh… You’re a moron. Got it.
It’s your fantasy, why insurance just shoot your way out, oh wait tiny tiny tiny balls.
You do know what sub you’re in right? Go drag your dumbass comments out of here. We don’t give a fuck that your smooth brain tells you guns are bad. The subset of mouth breathers like you who are completely against firearm ownership, is shrinking every day. A huge portion of the left has embraced firearms, and even more so now with trump 2.0 sitting in the white house.
Lmao he just said you have “tiny balls” because instead of shooting cops and lawyers after justified self defense you opt for insurance and seeing out the case like a civilized person. He’s either entirely unstable or the worst troll ever, don’t waste your time being serious on this one just laugh and make jokes at his expense and keep it rolling lol.
You’re so civilized, that your the reason there is a chair in every hotel room.
Lol this loser thinks all desks should be standing desks.
You’re*, btw, so argument invalid.
I’m glad your wife’s boyfriend taught you how to make grammer and spell. Lol Standing desks… Your Innocences cracks me up.
I love guns. Im sure our founding fathers ment the second amendment was just for card carrying insurance puds. I also think your a pussy for getting permission from your government so you can conceal carry. No way a registration of the guns you own is gonna come back to bite you in the ass.
Lol you’re a fucking idiot. Any firearm you have ever bought from a dealer has a 4473 you have to fill out. If you think the gov isnt keeping those you’re fooling yourself. Go troll somewhere else child.
How many guns have I bought from a dealer? Whomp whomp. You only prove my point. Just cuz you’re sucking uncle sam’s teet, doesn’t mean everyone else is.