The Nazi term Gleichschaltung (…), meaning “synchronization” or “bringing into line”, was the process of Nazification by which Adolf Hitler - - leader of the Nazi Party in Germany - - established a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of German society “from the economy and trade associations to the media, culture and education”.

Original Poster :
@[email protected]

Deleted original post :
( ~~
in [email protected] )

done in USA as well ?

… O.P.'s titile for the post was :
I would argue this is what the Trump administration is doing right now

Purging Trump opposition from all government agencoes agencies, even the FBI

  • @CosmoNova
    171 month ago

    We often forget to mention how the free press and opposition were the first who got dismantled in the Third Reich. What followed were unions, people with disabilities, queer people and then other minorities at last. Many of them hoped that despite everything that’s happening around them and threats from Hitler to go further, they would be spared. Surely he wouldn’t go that far… and when he did there was nobody left to help them. Anyone who could’ve had any say in anything to stop the next step got liquidated before the Nazis could make their next move deeper into fascism and total control of the population.