• @DreamlandLividity
    1 month ago

    Because all I see is opportunities for rich boys’ lawyers

    Because you are willfully blind.

    turn it into a media circus

    Title IX hearings are not public, nor is anyone arguing they should be public. It’s just a strawman argument you and people like you are making.

    Your point is entirely based on trashing other people’s skepticism that the rapist president might not have young rape victims interests at heart, and I have to call out your gullability on that point.

    I am trashing peoples inability to actually think about and evaluate a policy for themselves. So yes, I trash people who have to resort to trashing Trump instead of being able to intelligently discuss a policy.

    It’s not like I believe Trump actually cares for fairness. Probably just broken clock being right twice a day.

    I am not the gullible one here.

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      11 month ago

      You give off strong "I’m not a Trump supporter, but… " vibes because of how you can’t abide people mentioning that the USA’s Rapist in Chief tried (and failed) to sue his rape victim for libel and that that might just have a bearing on him proposing to bring expensive lawyers into a school exclusion meeting.

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          01 month ago

          And yet here you are, defending Trump as if he’s listening or gives two cents for you.