As per the title, I’m trying to find online courses to learn basic skills both on Krita and Inkscape, as I intend to use these tools to design board games for personal use.

Using Youtube videos doesn’t work very well for me.

Can anyone suggest a source?

  • @dance_ninja
    418 hours ago

    I learned a lot of Inkscape tools from watching Logos By Nick videos. He has some courses offered on his website that you may find useful.

    Out of curiosity, what do you feel doesn’t work with YouTube/videos?

    • qyronOP
      217 hours ago

      I can’t really put my finger on it, which is stranger considering I adapted well to online classes and courses.

      I like to have written theory, followed by practical examples. Videos, especially in YT, tend to feel too fast paced. I feel rushed, I can’t follow while trying to do at the same time.