It’s impossible without federation too. Reddit still estimates what the number currently is based on the last known number and the rate of change. It still takes time to propagate around the world, so it isn’t accurate. Federation just makes this time even longer, although with fewer users it may be more accurate still.
It’s over 200 now :(((
I think this impossible with federation. It looks like it’s still under for me.
It’s impossible without federation too. Reddit still estimates what the number currently is based on the last known number and the rate of change. It still takes time to propagate around the world, so it isn’t accurate. Federation just makes this time even longer, although with fewer users it may be more accurate still.
Today I saw a Prius where someone put 9000 hp hemi label on the back. I was doubtful.
We’re working to rectify the problem.
Aaaaaaand we’re back!
We messed up
Alright, everyone deposit all your beans until we’re back on track