• @TexasDrunk
    341 month ago

    I understand having a “man cave” or whatever you want to call it, but has anyone ever explained the point of having naked or lingerie clad women on the walls?

    I’m a straight dude who likes naked women. I look at them from time to time. But I don’t get it as decoration for your hobby/work/game area.

    • @[email protected]
      301 month ago

      So people know you’re straight.

      I’m joking, but it’s probably something like this.

      • @MothmanDelorian
        171 month ago

        There was a guy who had gotten divorced who posted his living space on /r/malelivingspce who had framed Playboys on his walls. The comments were filled with guys telling him to ditch the Playboys. The owner’s logic was something similar as I recall.

        • @[email protected]
          91 month ago

          Was it the same dude that kind of rad with a whole kink/sexual theme in general? Iirc his entire living room was like emulating a waiting room to a sex dungeon, it was pretty out there.

          • @MothmanDelorian
            91 month ago

            I recall it being nice but had a waiting room feeling and he spent way too much framing those covers.

    • @[email protected]
      131 month ago

      Nonsense, these hypothetical people have such surplusses of rooms that they each get their own theme. The one with the games is the ‘arcade cave’, the one with the guns is the ‘armory cave’ and the one with the smutty wallpaper is the ‘goon cave’

    • JackbyDev
      51 month ago

      I think some people just feel less shame about it. I was raised in the purity culture of the Bible belt so probably won’t ever get past it entirely. We have some art on our walls at home and I think maybe a couple are sort of erotic or erotic leaning. No nudity though. There’s also the aspect of not wanting to have to explain that to parents when they visit.

      My phone background is marginally erotic but subtle. It’s a picture of my wife’s legs in fishnets, but it’s in a blue light and pretty close up, so it just looks like some sort of geometric pattern unless you stare.

      For me, I don’t mind seeing that stuff, but I don’t want to subject others to it. Even in my office I’d have to consider what could be seen from my laptop camera during meetings and guests spending the night there.