Have I went overboard? Any suggestions? Or help? I travel a lot and don’t have a lot of time when I am home to setup and configure.

I’m using Cloudron on Linode for some things because I have StarLink and haven’t figured out how to connect via internet to my LAN yet. I can use VPN with the router but it seems wonky.


2 Raspberry Pi’s with DNS servers

Raspberry Pi with HomeAssistant

Separate NVR for cameras

Several Docker containers on one of NAS

A Raspberry Pi with DietPi. a 1TB attached drive and Docker Containers.

Cloudron on Linode for when I’m away from home.

  • @bulwark
    2 years ago

    Looks cool dude. Have you tried using Traefik on docker? You can name your service like https:// homeassistant.thanatos instead of 192 .168.1.1:8080.

    It’s pretty cool and it can even handle SSL certs.