PIC s3e9 “Vōx”

  • @[email protected]
    218 hours ago

    I assume that means you use a filter or something literally called “brightness”. If your app offers an option called “exposure”, try that instead. I tend to get more desirable results using that for brightening photos.


    Unlike brightness, exposure is highly biased towards the highlights in the picture. In layman language, it will act as if increasing the amount of light in the picture, without much affecting the darker areas in the picture.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      14 hours ago

      There’s sliders for both, plus some presets in another sub-menu. It’s reasonably comprehensive, except for sometime last year when they “updated” (read enshittified) the app by letting A.I. decide what element of an image it assumes I want to make into a sticker. Instead, now I have to crop out an object, go to a separate app (sketchbook), layer stuff, save that, then go back to gallery for any simple text or resizing. Really slowed down my posting reaction time.