Israel has voted against a United Nations General Assembly resolution calling to reaffirm Ukraine’s territorial integrity, rejecting a strongly worded condemnation of Russia’s invasion of its neighbor on the third anniversary of the war.
Eighteen countries voted against the resolution, 93 voted in favor, and 65 abstained.
I’m still hoping Trump’s doing some 4D chess thing here where he’s playing good cop while the rest of the world is playing bad cop. I like to think he’s in the phone to Putin like “I know everyone else hates you but I’m your mate, now let’s talk about a deal”. I’m not a fan of his or anything but I don’t think he’s stupid. You don’t get to be the President of the most powerful country in the world if you’re stupid. He may be a total bastard but he’s not stupid.
Dude, what is that copium you’re on 🤣
That man couldn’t play chess on a straight line.
He’d try to eat the chess pieces and then blame his choking on New Zealand.
I’m sorry friend, but this is what cognitive dissonance looks like.
It’s an attempt at resolving the conflict between a belief (that Trump isn’t that bad, that a president has merit, that things will be ok) and reality, where everything we see him do is increasingly harmful, short sighted or self serving.
Actions speak louder, please re-evaluate your beliefs based on what you see him do.
He is stupid, but moreover, he’s a Russian agent.
No, he’s stupid. He was stupid in the 80’s and nothing had changed except now he’s got dementia. We all saw during COVID lockdowns when he mused about injecting bleach or disinfectant in people to clean the COVID out?
And for the record, so is Elon Musk. Anytime he talks about something, it may sound smart to a lot of people but people with subject-matter expertise on the topic immediately recognize how stupid he is.
Unfortunately for the world, all of Trump’s cabinet picks are pretty stupid besides Scott Bissent, JD Vance, and maybe Marco Rubio.
Elon Musk is like Dan Brown’s books, what he says can only seem smart if you know nothing about the subject
Pretty sure he is exactly that though, venal and stupid. Putin bought a president on the cheap.
You’re fooling yourself. He’s worse than stupid, he’s demented. And a rapist. Among other character failures.
This is a goddamned disgrace.
Benefit of the doubt, most recent presidents (and politicians in general) in America are fucking idiots.
You don’t win elections by being intelligent and having good plans. You do it by being charismatic and convincing your base that you’ll do what they want. Or the other option is the incumbent is such a fucking dumpster fire people want anything else.
trump says he’ll do what his voters want and they believe him and genuinely like his personality.
They shouldn’t, but they did. Same thing they fell for with trump in 2016, GW before that, and Reagan before that and Nixon even earlier.
HW and Ford are the outliers, they had zero charisma. But they each got their single terms as continuations from Reagan and Nixon. Coincidentally they’re the only two “recent” Republican presidents I wouldn’t object to someone calling intelligent…
And Republicans rejected them for it.
Uhh, I’m pretty sure he has concepts of a plan, so jot that down.
adorably naive here, absolutely love that!