Last August, police in Lorain, Ohio, arrested a man they suspected of hiding a baggie of drugs in his butt. He denied it, but police were certain, so they took him to a local hospital for a body cavity search.
The case then swerved into unusual territory: The man would not agree to the procedure, so the police got a judge to order it. The doctors refused, saying it was dangerous and unethical — and later added that it violated the hospital’s Catholic principles.
The police pushed back. The doctors didn’t budge. The dispute spiraled.
The hospital now faces criminal charges and has been forced to dismantle its in-house police force. It has sued authorities, alleging retaliation and discrimination. And the man who was held at the hospital while the two sides fought over his bowel movements says he was humiliated and violated by the experience.
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Really good article that people should read, but…
Cops thought a backseat passenger put drugs up his but during minor traffic stop.
Got a warrant and tried to make a (Catholic) hospital to pull it out
They refused and said it would be incredibly dangerous.
Cops retaliated by no longer stationing police at the hospital, so the hospital is suing the cops.
So it’s interesting but also important. No one wants to live in a country where being in the backseat of a car that fails to single means cops can do cavity searches. And cops intimidating medical professionals is an issue that’s been going on for decades, and neither party seems authentically interested in reigning in police.
Also of note: