People focus on mortality too while failing to account for the sorts of lifelong disabilities viruses like these cause when you do survive them. Absolutely sickening.
I don’t think that includes the general weakened immune system that a lot of people experience after the measles, children apparently lose 12 to 73% of their antibodies following a mild measles infection.
there are a ton of stats and a ton of complications that can occur with measles, so it’s difficult to find one comprehensive number for everything, but everyone who is unvaccinated will probably get it after less than 90% of the population is vaccinated, 20 to 30% will develop complications, a lot of those are going to be permanent. and even the temporary complications can last for years.
We don’t have more recent data because it was eradicated so rapidly in 3 years after the vaccine was introduced, but prospects sure don’t look good for dumb families and whichever population they’re poisoning.
mortality rate of 3% for unvaccinated kids.
gonna be a lot of depression-era grieving going on.
Measles wipes your immune system as well. You’ll be having a miserable next decade or longer getting sick from everything again.
Can’t wait to see conservative morons saying “hurr durr 3% isn’t even that high of a percent”
People focus on mortality too while failing to account for the sorts of lifelong disabilities viruses like these cause when you do survive them. Absolutely sickening.
On the topic on non-mortal cases, this CDC page says the hospitalization rate for 2025 has been 20% (30% for <5 year olds)
the lifelong disabilities will be awful
I don’t want to know that stat butttt do you know that stat? I’m curious anyway
20 to 30% have some form of complications, it’s particularly severe in the vulnerable, very young, very old and compromised immune systems. to 30 percent of,easy for measles to spread.
I don’t think that includes the general weakened immune system that a lot of people experience after the measles, children apparently lose 12 to 73% of their antibodies following a mild measles infection. severe measles%2C children lost,over similar or longer durations.
it’s highly transmissible, 9 out of 10 people who are exposed and unvaccinated will get it.
there are a ton of stats and a ton of complications that can occur with measles, so it’s difficult to find one comprehensive number for everything, but everyone who is unvaccinated will probably get it after less than 90% of the population is vaccinated, 20 to 30% will develop complications, a lot of those are going to be permanent. and even the temporary complications can last for years.
We don’t have more recent data because it was eradicated so rapidly in 3 years after the vaccine was introduced, but prospects sure don’t look good for dumb families and whichever population they’re poisoning.
as always the price is paid by those without a choice
3 percent of kids dead is a small price to pay for Texans to not have to reevaluate how they make decisions.
They’ll never stop defending their right to let others die for their obstinacy.